07930 601 530 | Tuesday - Thursday | 6pm – 8pm


Our aims:

  1. To impact and transform the lives of hurting women.
  2. To signpost women to health professionals or establishments.
  3. To provide an outreach contact service to hurting women.
  4. To empower hurting women spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
  5. To encourage hurting to discover their purpose and move towards their destiny.
  6. To assist hurting women in realising true self-worth, value and confidence.
  7. To discover the inner treasure that is within.
  8.  To discover Gods Healing Power and the process of Forgiveness.


Type of organisation
God has ordained and raised up this ministry, a non-profit organisation in such a time as this to impact the lives of Hurting Women. He has already planned and put in place women including myself to be his mouth piece to go and speak his mind to your situation, his hands to embrace you No matter what situation or issues that confront any you.

Purpose of service
God has anointed this ministry and through his precious Holy Spirit, he has come to; deliver, heal and restore you. Not one single human being is immune from tragedy in life i.e whether divorce, betrayal spiritual doubt, depression, injustices, loneliness, temptation, abuse, regrets and the many insecurities that we face on a daily basis- there is is nothing too hard for God.

I have been sent to declare to you that your case is not a surprise to God neither is your case an isolated one. There is a time and a season under the sun for everything, Ecclesiastes 3V1 “To ever thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”, He has been waiting for you to heal you right where grief and loss have scarred you and left that empty space!

Our first Women Conference was in April 2015, since then women have testified of changes in their lives, and are still going strong and making-progress.

There is peace in the forgiveness, once the process begins it will be evident in all areas of your life.
My assignment through this ministry is to assist you in discovering what your God-ordained purpose on earth is, and to create a safe haven of healing and empowerment.